Places and place brands sustain economies and transform lives. They attract talent, inspire creativity, bring communities closer and boost investments. Place brands are the best ambassadors for the nation and a cause of civic pride. Therefore, they deserve your time, attention and love. They matter more.

start with the lokall


Destination branding must be authentic. What you do must be emotionally relatable, significant, purposeful and responsible. It must resonate with the residents, and equally so with the outside world of visitors and investors. After all one cannot see the label from just the inside of a jar.

Every place has a local story to tell. Local communities, local attractions, local culture, local business, local talent, local aspirations. The job of place branding is to help surface these very qualities to grow civic pride & prosperity.

Many starting with the Romans called it the genius loci. We call it the local DNA of the place. That’s where we start.

start with the lokall


Place branding and place making has 6 dimensions. They consist of civic pride, aspirations, trade, tourism, investments & culture.

Each is a significant theme that influences the larger story and the public expression of a place be it a neighbourhood, city, village, region or nation. We love to work with visionary bodies and leaders who are passionate about creating and reimagining place-brands & destinations across these six dimensions.

Lokall helps you build bridges for your place brand, making it connect and be more desirable for people, ideas, investments, business and visitors.